Jason has an ongoing mission:
to support people on their healing Journeys....

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a system of human development and natural healing discovered in Japan by Mikao Usui in 1920. It is formally called the Usui System of Reiki Healing or Usui Shiki Ryoho in Japanese. The Usui System was brought to the United States by Chujiro Hayashi and Hawayo Takata in 1938.
Reiki treatments provide touch and physical comfort, emotional support, and mental balance. Reiki also often draws people together for mutual Osupport, and alleviates the loneliness that can be part of the human experience. Reiki can balance and energize the physical body accelerating the healing process and can alleviate pain.

Five Precepts of Reiki as Mikao Usui taught them in Japan.
(from Mikao Usui Memorial em Kyoto)

Kyo dakewa:

  • Ikaruná
  • Shinpai suná
  • Kansha shité
  • Gyo o hagamê
  • Hitoní shinsetsuní

Just for today:

  • Do not worry
  • Do not anger
  • Show gratitude
  • Be diligent in all undertakings
  • Be kind to everyone.